Lenticular APET
General Description
This clear, print-grade plastic sheet has a series of longitudinal lenses extruded into the surface that can produce a 3D, flip, animation, or morph effects. Lenticular printing creates an illusion of depth or motion, making it ideal for marketers, advertisers and printers that want to make a unique impact with their graphic arts materials.
Properties | Test Method | Value | UOM |
Gardner Gloss | ASTM D523 | 90 | % |
Hardness (Shore) | ASTM D2240 | 106 | n/a |
Specific Gravity | ASTM D792 | 1.33 | na |
Tensile Strength Yield | ASTM D638 | psi |
Properties | Test Method | Value | UOM |
Heat Deflection Temperature 66 psi | ASTM D648 | 156 | °F |
Properties | Test Method | Value | UOM |
Chemical Resistance | n/a | High | n/a |
Flexural Modulus (stiffness) | n/a | High | n/a |
Formability | n/a | Good | n/a |
Gloss After Forming | n/a | Very High | n/a |
Hardness | n/a | High | n/a |
Heat Deflection Temperature | n/a | Average | n/a |
Impact Strength | n/a | Very High | n/a |
Low Temperature Impact Strength | n/a | Average | n/a |
Tensile Strength | n/a | High | n/a |
UV Resistance | n/a | Low | n/a |

Product Information
Item | Description |
Product Line | Spartech |
Item Code | Lenticular APET |
Material Description | Polyesters APET Copolyester |
Product Description | APET 3D Specialty Printing |
Characteristics |
Polymer Tag | Polymer Name |
PET | Polyethylene Terephthalate |
Related Documents
Title | Open |
TDS—APET | Open |
TDS—Lenticular sheet | Open |
AIS—APET | Open |
APET Bulletin | Open |
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